Easter already!? Wasn't it just Christmas? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE celebrating the holidays. Especially because it means redecorating! Here's three very simple DIY's that are sure to put a hop in your step.
1. Montessori Nesting Eggs
What you need
Dollarama egg cups
Dollarama eggs
Acrylic paint of choice
What to do
Paint the eggs and the cups same colour
Wait to dry before applying second/third coat
*Heads up - you'll need a few coats so this is a 2 day minimum craft
2. No Sew Fabric Carrots
What you'll need
Fabric I got mine from a Canadian small shop https://www.threadcountfabrics.ca/
Glue gun + lots of glue
Raffia (thats the hay stuff)
What to do
Draw and cut out a triangle template of any size out of paper. (think pizza slice) you can make this as big as you want! I actually free handed the smaller ones.
You'll put the glue on one of the long sides and fold it over.
Turn the fabric inside out and then start stuffing (you could use a long stick or tool to stuff it all the way to the bottom)
I left a bit of room at the top to fold the fabric into itself and glued the raffia to create the carrot!
Add to table decor, shelf, front step, mantel the possibilities are endless!
3. Creating a neutral backdrop
I saved the best for last! I used our duvet to cover the floor and a bedsheet for the arch to create a backdrop for a mini easter photoshoot. The arch is actually our screen for our front door but you can easily use a cardboard cut out. The trick here is to make sure its a sunny day for the best lighting, using the same tones for outfits for the best picture outcome and an editing app like Lightroom.
The girls had so much fun dressing up and dancing during our little photoshoot it was an awesome memory that I will hold on to!